Awards and Achievements

1996 - Midland Herd winner
2001 - Midland Herd winner
2004 - National Herd winner
2008 - Midland Herd winner
2008 - Midland Herd best Bull
2009 - Rutland Show Junior Champion Oxey Tsar 5.
2010 – Blakesley Show – Heifer Reserve Breed Champion Oxey Romany 321
2010 - Winners of the Thornton Cup with Oxey Starbuster 4 at the Bristol Autumn Sale.
2011 - Best polled animal in the Midland Herd competition Polkinghorne Nimrod.
2011 - Runner up with Oxey Nimrod 6 in the yearling bull class at the Rutland Show.
2011 - Male and Breed Champion at the East of England Show with Oxey Starbuster 5.
2013 - Male and Breed Champion at the East of England Show with Oxey Nimrod 6
2013 - National herd Competition - best Bull & Best Homebred Polled Animal - Oxey Nimrod 6
2013 - Midland Herd Winner
2015 - National Herd Competition - Winner young stock, 3rd overall
2015 - Midland herd Competition - winner young stock, 3rd overall